This daylong program includes the participation in a sequence of activities that give emphasis both on theoretical and practical aspects and it is based on the methodology of desicion making. It is organized in a way that supports the understanding of environmental concepts and through a hooking mission introduces students in issues related with the recycling and the sustainable consumption.
1. Mission.
Students’ mission is to visit the mini-shop that has been set up at our Environmental Center, especially for the needs of this program, in order to buy the products they need for preparing a pic-nic. However; before their visit at our mini-shop students are asked to participate in a sequence of activities in order to complete a mysterious circular diagram which will reveal to them a “Green Code”, necessary for their shopping.
2. Studying the products and the raw materials.
Students learn that for the production of several products different raw materials are used coming from several natural ecosystems.
3. Reuse.
Students develop their crearivity and imagination as they seek and discover different constructions and ways to use of an item.
4. Recycle.
Students study and sort out rubbish and waste at the recycle bins. In addition, the learn about the process of recycling through a more experiential way – by making recycled paper.
5. Refuse.
In this activity students learn to reject the purchase of a product if the material from which is constructed in not environmental-friendly.
6. Reduce.
Students study several packages as well the amount of rubbish resulting from these and thus they realize the need to find alternatives through which will reduce the volume of garbage.
7. Green Code.
At this point, students are ready to complete the mysterious circular diagram, prioritizing first the 4Rs.
8. Eco-shopping .
Having in their hands the circular diagram with the green code, students visit the mini-shop, they make decisions, they shop ecologically and they prepare for their pic-nic.