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What I can do

Follow the recycling rule of 5R, in order to produce less waste.

Recycle as much as I can. By recycling we collect materials that could have ended up in the garbage. This amount of material can be turned into useful new materials.

I reuse as much materials as I can for different purposes. Reusability is better than recycling. In this way we reduce the production of new products.

I do not buy products that are unfriendly to the environment. In this way we can manage the market. YES. We have the power.

I reduce my needs. So, we limit the trash material we produce and consume.

  • I usean emptyjarof jamforpencil holder
  • I collectaluminumcansandput them to the recycle bin
  • Buyless clothesandshoes everyyear
  • Buynotebooks that are made byrecycledpaperinstead ofordinarynotebooks
  • Take clothes andshoes that I do notuse anymoreto orphanagesandinstitutions
  • Buyelectrical appliancesthat carry theEuropeanSeal oflow energyconsumption.
  • Buyeconomicfluorescent lampsinstead ofconventionalincandescent lamps
  • I do notthrowtheold magazinesand the useless paper, but Iput themin the recycle bin

I respect the environment and I manage the things can be done to keep it the best I can for the future generations.