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Selected Publications of Dr. Michalis A. Vasiliades
- Vasiliades M.A., Kyprianou K.K., Govender N.S., Govender A., Crous R., Moodley D., Efstathiou A.M. “The effect of CO partial pressure on important kinetic parameters of methanation reaction on Co‐ based FTS catalyst studied by SSITKA‐MS and operando DRIFTS‐MS techniques”. Catalysts, 10 (2020) 583.
- AlKetbi M., Polychronopoulou K., Jaoude A.M., Vasiliades M.A., Sebastian V., Hinder S.J., Baker M., Zedan A., Efstathiou A.M. “Cu-Ce-La-Ox as efficient CO oxidation catalysts: Effect of Cu content”. Surf. Science., 505 (2020) 144474.
- Vasiliades M.A., Kalamaras C.M., Govender N.S., Govender A., Efstathiou A.M. “The effect of preparation route of commercial Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst on important Fischer-Tropsch kinetic parameters studied by SSITKA and CO-DRIFTS transient hydrogenation techniques”. Catal., 379 (2019) 60-77.
- Anastopoulos I., Omirou M., Stephanou C., Oulas A., Vasiliades M.A., Efstathiou A.M., Ioannides M.I. “Valorization of agricultural wastes could improve soil fertility and mitigate soil direct N2O emissions”. Journal of Env. Management, 250 (2019) 109389.
- Vasiliades M.A., Damaskinos C.M., Kyprianou K.K., Kollia M., Efstathiou A.M. “The Effect of Pt on the carbon pathway in the dry reforming of methane over Ni-Pt/Ce8Pr0.2O2-δ catalyst”. Catal. Today, in press (2019).
- Yan Q., Gao Y., Li Y., Vasiliades M.A., Chen S., Zhang C., Gui R., Wang Q., Zhu T., Efstathiou A.M. “Promotional effect of Ce doping in Cu4Al1Ox – LDO catalyst for low-T practical NH3-SCR: Steady-state and transient kinetic analysis”. Catal. B: Environ., 255 (2019) 117749.
- Damaskinos C.M., Vasiliades M.A., Efstathiou A.M. “The effect of CeO2 preparation method on the carbon pathways in the dry reforming of methane on Ni/Ceo2 studied by transient techniques”. Catalysts, 9 (2019) 621.
- Damaskinos C.M., Vasiliades M.A., Efstathiou A.M. “The effect of Ti4+ dopant in the 5 wt% Ni/Ce1-xTixO2–δ catalyst on the carbon pathways of Dry Reforming of Methane studied by various transient and isotopic techniques”. Catal. A: Gen., 579 (2019) 116-129.
- Vasiliades M.A., Harris D., Stephenson H., Boghosian S., Efstathiou A.M. “A novel analysis of Transient Isothermal 18O Isotopic Exchange on commercial CexZr1-xO2-based OSC materials”. Catal. 62 (2019) 219-226.
- Vasiliades M.A., Djinović P., Davlyatova L.F., Erjavec B., Pintar A., Efstathiou A.M. “Understanding the Origin and Reactivity of Carbon Formed During Dry Reforming of methane over Ni-supported Ce/Zr based materials via Transient Isotopic Techniques”. Today 299 (2018) 201-211.
- Vasiliades M.A., Djinović P., Pintar A., Janez K., Efstathiou A.M. “The effect of CeO2-ZrO2 structural differences on the origin and reactivity of carbon formed during methane dry reforming over NiCo/CeO2-ZrO2 catalysts studied by transient techniques”. Sci. & Technol. 7 (2017) 5422-5434.
- Rigopoulos I., Petallidou K.C., Vasiliades M.A., Delimitis A., Ioannou I., Efstathiou A.M., Kyratsi T. “On the potential use of quarry waste material for CO2 sequestration”, of CO2 Util. 16 (2016) 361-370.
- Vasiliades M.A., Makri M.M., Djinović P., Erjavec B., Pintar A., Efstathiou A.M. “Dry reforming of methane over 5 wt% Ni/Ce1-xPrxO2-δ catalysts: Performance and characterization of active and inactive carbon by transient isotopic techniques”. Catal. B: Environ. 197 (2016) 168.
- Pachatouridou E., Papista E., Delimitis A., Vasiliades M.A., Efstathiou A.M., Amiridis M.D., Alexeev O.S., Bloom D., Marnellos G.E., Konsolakis M., Iliopoulou E. “N2O decomposition over ceria-promoted Ir/Al2O3 catalysts: The role of ceria”. Catal. B: Environ. 187 (2016) 259-268.
- Rigopoulos I., Vasiliades M.A., Ioannou I., Efstathiou A.M., Godelitsas A., Kyratsi T. “Enhancing the rate of ex situ mineral carbonation in dunites via ball milling”, Powder Tech. 27 (2016) 360-371.
- Rigopoulos I., Petallidou K.C., Vasiliades M.A., Delimitis A., Ioannou I., Efstathiou A.M., Kyratsi T. “Carbon dioxide storage in olivine basalts: Effect of ball milling process”, Powder Tech. 273 (2015) 220–229.
- Rigopoulos I., Vasiliades M.A., Petallidou K.C., Ioannou I., Efstathiou A.M., Kyratsi T. “A method to enhance the CO2 storage capacity of pyroxenitic rocks”, Greenhouse Gas Sci Tech. 5 (2015) 1–14.
- Makri M.M., Vasiliades M.A., Petallidou K.C., Efstathiou A.M. “Effect of Support Composition on the Origin and Reactivity of Carbon Formed during Dry Reforming of Methane over 5 wt% Ni/ Ce1-xMxO2-δ (Μ=Ζr4+, Pr3+) Catalysts”. Today 259 (2015) 150-164.